- Part 2 |
From an Article by Local Historian Derrick
Pratt. First published by the Bangor-on-Dee Local History
Society 1992. |
Whatever reservations one may have regarding
'contemporary' sources a common denominator in all narratives
is the considerable Christian seminary (size debatable) laid
out (exact site unknown) on the flood plain of the Dee (extent
disputable), occupying a (then) secluded valley floor hemmed
in by high ground, typical of the siting of early Welsh monasteries.
But in the absence of concrete physical remains what
does the local historian look for in his efforts to reconstruct,
and give more substance to, Bangor monastery? |
Lacking an obvious starting point he would
best emulate Professor Butler who suggests that a model of
an ideal Celtic monastery may reasonably be based on a plan
[Fig. 4] from
the Life of St. Moluag (530-592). Born in Ulster, the
latter became a monk at Bangor-yn--Arfon before founding c.562
the island monastery of Lismore off the coast of Argyll.
In that he was a younger contemporary of St. Deiniol, Moluag's
prototypical establishment may perhaps be of special relevance
to investigations into Bangor Isycoed. |
In the centre or inner zone is the church/monastery
within its own protective bank, the most sacred in a series
of concentric zones that decreased in sanctity as one moved
from the centre. From the centre would radiate access
roads or tracks. At cardinal points on the outskirts
stood crosses but whether on the approach roads, in the open,
cultivated fields or amidst dwellings, is not clear. The houses
of the monks, dependants and labourers and ancillary buildings
and workshops formed 'suburbs' or distinct quarters within
the outer protective bank. |
This model is no dry theoretic figment of
a 6th century academic's imagination. Professor Butler draws
attention to the proliferation of surviving examples in Ireland
e.g. Armagh, Kells, Kilkenny, where the cores of these towns
still reflect basic features of the idealised monastic
city. [Fig. 5] The
gently rounded, easily defended hill-tops preferred by founders
of Irish monasteries lent themselves to the development of
concentric morphological elements. That such centres
abound in Ireland is attributed, inter alia to the greater
number of monastic/episcopal sees (over forty in 1200) compared
with just four in Wales - Bangor Fawr, St. David's, Llandeilo
Fawr and Llandaff [11]
Also the varied and mainly mountainous relief of Wales
did not make for such unanimity of siting. The problems
of identifying the 'concentric monastic city' in Wales will
vary from location to location. In connection with Bangor
Isycoed certain premises inevitably have to be made. |
Firstly, the present consecrated site of
St. Dunawd's parish church is presumed to be that of the original
mother church. There has probably been a church here,
if not since the establishment of the diocese of Lichfield
in 664, certainly since the extension of that diocese westwards
in the wake of Mercian conquest and territorial expansion,
the limits of which are marked in the Wrexham district by
Offa's (reigned 757-796) and Wat's Dykes. It must be
remembered that Bangor and other Maelor parishes did not become
part of St. Asaph diocese until 1849. The silence of the Cheshire
Domesday Book (under 'Hurdingberie' does not necessarily imply
the non-existence of a church at Bangor. Less than a
century separates the end of Bangor monastery, implied after
the slaughter and flight of most of its monks, and the imposition
of some rudimentary diocesan organisation. Because of
the immense sanctity of the site, the monastic church, or
near contemporary, survived to become the centre of a huge
parish in the Archdeaconry of Chester, also taking in Overton
and Worthenbury which became parishes in their own right only
since 1868 (Overton) and 1658/1689 (Worthenbury). Not
even Overton's later status as a castellated commotal centre
under the princes of Powys Fadog and a chartered royal borough
of Edward I could dent or transcend Bangor's legendary and
transferred ecclesiastical prestige. |
Secondly, the prime requisite in the idealized
model is the circular or oval inner enclosure, a characteristic
feature of Celtic clas churches and an assured index of the
antiquity of the Christian church on site - Meifod, Pennant
Melangell, Betws Gwerful Goch, Llansilin etc. immediately
spring to mind. At Bangor, where the broad featureless
terraces of the Dee would have offered no predetermined physical
constraints in the construction of the sacred enclosure, the
oval or circular form would be the norm because of the ease
of constructing a bank without corners or angles. |
From the centre roads or tracks radiated
outwards via the four obligatory gates, in Bangor's case gates
eccentrically and irregularly placed rather than sited at
the cardinal points as in the idealized model. Two of
the gates, at Porthwgan and Cloy, are common to most literary
sources. Edward Lhwyd mentions a third at 'Porth Hwva'
(his "Bron Hwva", present-day Bryn Hovah) and a
fourth at "Dwngre' (Dungrey). The location of these
gates, even approximately, has important implications as to
what actually comprised the outer bank at Bangor. (Fig.
6) In particular, the
last three gates, which took travellers over or around the
tip of the low ridge south and east of Bangor, point towards
the utilisation by the monks of a convenient natural feature
for a sector of a protective bank, relieving them of the difficult
task, time and labour consuming, of raising a considerable
man-made 'fortification' of outer rampart and/or ditch. The
disposition of the entrances thus also hints at the monastery
lying closer to these three gates and at the Dee flowing some
distance beyond that again, towards the north. Here
marshy flood-plain difficult to traverse and of access (query
the existence of a causeway), and the Dee busily eroding its
bluff-line below Plâs-fron and Cerwyn Fechan, focussed
exit and entry traffic upon one gate' at Porthwgan - a state
of affairs that would appear to have persisted into the fourteenth
century. |
Significantly, in 1391, it was at Porthwgan,
one of six strategically recognised entry points into the
lordship, that the itinerant bailiffs of Bromfield and Yale
positioned themselves on crucial market days, especially fairs
and markets in Ruthin and the Vale of Clwyd, to collect tolls
of traders, drovers and merchants in transit as they crossed
the Dee from Maelor Saesneg, Whitchurch and points beyond
- at Porthwgan NOT at a Bangor bridge or ford, the logical
point (had they existed) as conditions pertain today or even
in 1813 when a toll-gate was proposed for the Denbighshire
end of Bangor bridge. The plan was never endorsed by
Quarter Sessions but the erection of a toll-house was over-enthusiastically
anticipated by the Barker/Castineau engraving of 1830! Conclusive
evidence, then, that at the end of the fourteenth century
the Dee was still flowing hard under the Plâs-fron bluff
line [12] |
For a parish church with a former
pastoral jurisdiction over some 22sq. miles, the churchyard
surrounding St. Dunawd's on just
three sides is a pitifully inadequate
burial ground, even allowing for burials in its outlying
chapelries. One would expect it to have been
much larger, logically taking on the characteristic
oval or circular shape hinted at earlier. Three
factors may have worked to obscure this presumed earlier
form. The churchyard has been truncated and
squared off (a) by the river Dee shifting its course
to flow right under the west end and tower of the
church; (b) by the erection of a bridge over the new
course of the river (the present bridge dates c.1658),
and (c) the refocusing of roads on both ends of the
bridge, which involved, for example, the Overton road
making its highly suspect right-angled bend to join
High Street, taking off part of the churchyard in
the process. Similar adjustments, with same
end result, were made to the Whitchurch and Worthenbury
roads. Bangor's would not be the first oval Celtic
churchyard to be so mutilated, especially in the early
turnpike era - Liansilin churchyard is a case in point. |
John Leland's words come to mind:
"... and yet they plough up bones of the monkes,
and in remembraunce were digged up pecis of theyr
clothes in sepultures", implying accidental exhumation
over the former parts of the churchyard as post-holes,
foundations, cess pits etc. were dug during the marking
out along new alignments of Bangor's curtilages and
the erection of cottages and houses there-on. This
is a process still going on. If memory serves correctly
1985-6 saw the last piece of 'skulldiggery' as an
'ancient' skull, complete save for jaw bone, was unearthed
by Mrs. Vivian Lavis-Jones at Millstone Cottage, Whitchurch
Road, a site that helps determine the approximate
eastern limits of Bangor's original 'Celtic' churchyard
or 'inner enclosure' of the idealized model. |
Thus it is reasonable to conceive
of an original church placed eccentrically within
its oval enclosure. Other historical tendencies
towards the idealized plan or model are more problematical.
Due allowance has to be made for limitations
and peculiarities of site and position. Bangor
is not a hill-top site and the Dee, wherever it flowed,
was, and is, a significant constraint to expansion
of settlement in one direction. Concentric 360°
development would be unlikely. However, the
researcher may legitimately discern some segmental
development of the outer zone in favoured directions. |
Bangor Isycoed's failure to emerge
as an early quasi-urban institution was partly due
to the limited economic resources of the area but
largely to the sudden failure of the monastery and
its relatively short life-span of 60-70 years, scarcely
sufficient to develop fully as a focus for subsistence
crafts and the little basic commerce arising from
the community's struggle for self-sufficiency |
That there may have been an opportunity
and some capacity for localised, low key commercial
activity can be deduced from the fact that at a later
period the Dee at Bangor marked the boundary between
'the two Maelors', Maelor Gymraeg or Bromfield on
the west, and Maelor Saesneg on the east, both commotes
or cymydau first of Powys and then of Powys Fadog.
The 'broom field' (Brom-field) of English colonists
was by far the earliest (pre-750) place-name in use
but the Malaur, Maylaur Saisneg of the Welsh expansion
was current by 1200. The name 'Maelor' means
not only 'land, country, plain' but also 'a market
or mart' from mael + lawr 'profit, gain + land').
As a Welsh-English dictionary of 1803 puts it,
under maelawr 'There are districts so called in the
marches of Wales ... where trade
was carried on' [13]
but whether such trading activity can be projected
back into the 6th century is another matter. In
the later medieval period, with unassailable if artificial
advantages of market (1279) and borough (1292) charters,
Overton was to become the monopolistic commercial
centre for Maelor Saesneg. |
What was the nature of any development
in the 'outer zone' between Bangor church and the
outer protective bank? While one lacks early
charters with important topographical detail or is
unable to refer to specific lines drawn on maps, the
researcher can make some confident assumptions as
to the possible character of this 'urban' growth. |
Community life, whether or not the
monastery was composed entirely of 'professional'
monks, was the normal expression of a religious vocation
in the 7th century. A monk's vocation, however,
did not require celibacy and, as already hinted, their
way of life had little in common with the popular
image of the cloistered monk. Bede referred to the
self-sufficiency through manual labour of the Bangor
monks; this implies that landed property formed the
basis for support and for income of that community.
Likewise his inflated statements re numbers
and organisation can be interpreted as indicating
a community with some degree of regulation of the
day with a balance between manual labour, prayer and
worship. |
According to the Vitae or saints'
Lives the men who founded monasteries were 'saints'
by virtue of their special holiness, who determined
to devote their lives to God, and encourage others
to do so, in a separate and special environment -
hence Deiniol founded a monastery at Bangor Fawr,
but in search of greater asceticism left it shortly
after with a community of monks established there
and went off to Found another, more spartan monastery
at Bangor Isycoed, complete with disciples, companions
or followers and familiae. One cannot rule out
some secular involvement and encouragement in this
foundation process. |
Writing about Bangor monastery A.N.
Palmer hints that it was also a royal foundation.
Sources are not given, but if we accept his
statement [14]
that Cyngen Glodrydd ('Renowned'), son of Cadell
Ddyrnllug ('Bright Hilt') and father of Brochfael
Ysgithroq ('Tusked'), in the first instance endowed
the monastery with lands, then Bangor's plantation
was the result of lay and clerical initiative for
reasons both of piety and influence, prestige and
income as befitted someone deeply involved in the
dynastic struggles of an emergent Powys. |
As noted earlier physical descriptions
of Bangor Isycoed monastery are few, ambiguous in
factual statement and therefore subjective in interpretation.
Archaeology has done nothing to positively augment
our knowledge. But acknowledging the 'corporate
community' and 'landed endowment' elements one may
reasonably imply for Bangor (a) that the monastery
was a separate place, marked off from the world by
well defined bounds (the interpretation of the latter
crucial to the concept of a 'monastic city'); (b)
the church or oratory of timber, sitewise possibly
the most constant and enduring element within the
complex; (c) huts, distinctive eating and sleeping
quarters, and probably a hut or house for guests;
(d) buildings for reading or writing. Lack of
evidence does not permit one to hint at individual
cells. In that Bede refers to a community supported
by. its own labour, construction work at Bangor would
have been performed by the monks themselves, Deiniol's
companions taking their tools to cut down trees and
build. |
Sources do not mention different
functionaries beyond seven abbots or 'section heads',
but even at such an early period there must have been
an hierarchy of monks responsible for managing spiritual
and temporal resources and acting as deputies to Dunawd.
However, it may be that the life span of the
monastery was too short to permit the increased specialisation
and proliferation of roles attendant upon further
general growth. |
While the landed basis of community
support is accepted, questions of utilisation and
exploitation must remain unanswered. There must
have been herds, flocks, especially pigs, and barns
and threshing floors. All this required labour.
According to Bede we are dealing with an almost
self-supporting community with necessary labour being
demanded of the monks themselves. But some labour
must have been supplied by others, dependants resident
within the community or nearby and possibly vocationally
distinct. This implies an element of landlordship
and even the existence of stewards etc. to organise
and oversee the workforce and its products. |
Thus the monastic church at Bangor
must have had adjacent to it quite a complex of more
secular buildings, but where exactly in the context
of present-day village lay-out? As already deduced,
church and churchyard, the innermost zone of Butler's
'monastic city' occupy a slightly elevated position,
a matter of a metres, no more, but sufficient to make
them a dry island site amidst a vast lake of water
during the historical annual flooding of the River
Dee. |
West of this enclosed 'tump' was,
and is, a 'no go' area, being the flood plain of the
Dee. Graduated posts along the roads converging
on the west end of Bangor bridge still bespeak possible
flood hazards. East, south and north of the
church the line of the churchyard wall/embankment
was partially paralleled by an encircling road from
which minor streets ran away to the outer urban
banks and their 'gates' (Figs.
6 & 7), linking the monastery
with its outlying possessions. It is worth adding
here that the road running roughly between the Bryn
Hovah and Dungrey gates was in the later medieval
period the 'royal highway' (Shrewsbury)-Overton-Bangor-Shocklach--(Chester)
and figures on the British Library 'Gough Map' of
c.1350, possibly the oldest road map in Britain. In
Bangor it was deflected from its relatively straight
line by the curve of the churchyard boundary bank.
(Fig. 7) The
full extent of the monastery's growth within the 60
years allotted it by fate, will never be known, but
with the evolution of even small-scale, casual 'urban'
characteristics, one cannot rule out the development
of a small market-place at a street intersection. |
If the Dee flood-plain was avoided
by the monks, the urban sprawl of both monks' and
lay accommodation and the functional buildings associated
with the varied 'support services' and vaguely 'commercial'
enterprises, must have spread out east of the church
(Fig. 7), divided
into three segments by the trackways making for the
'gates' on the outer bank - a diffusion pattern confirmed
and strengthened by later source material. For
the period before Bangor bent unwillingly to its new
function as a dormitory village, there is ample cartographic
evidence for ancient strip cultivation close to the
church, particularly where the 'outer zone' rose gradually
to meet its confining bank. The testimony of
maps can be supplemented by medieval deeds, for example,
those in the N.L.W. Elwes MSS. In the 'open
fields' of Bangor ancient rectorial glebe was inextricably
mixed with the strips of other portioners. |
Leland commented on Bangor monastery:
"The cumpace of it was as of a wallid town".
But, as stated above, one does not look for
defensive works in the shape of a man-made ditch and
bank with timber revetment. A.N. Palmer, writing
in 1889, was the first commentator to get at the true
meaning behind Leland's words. A wooded ridge
and river bluff-line at once gave physical definition
to the 'monastic city' or quasi-urban sprawl below,
as well as affording an element of natural protection
and seclusion. In all likelihood these may have
been augmented by the erection of a wattled fence
- the 'bangor' - which, if not exactly providing security,
would certainly work to isolate the religious more
from the out side world. One thing is certain
- the outer protective banks were never topped by
the 'half destroyed stone walls' of William de Malmesbury's
vivid invention. Names on the ridge towards Whitchurch,
'Abbeygate' and the earlier 'Highgate' while apposite,
are modern and of doubtful antiquity. |
Beyond the gates, as already noted,
there were the crosses and wells (Fig.
6) visible tokens or signposts
marking zones of lesser sanctity, as well as perhaps
marking bounds of sanctuary. They were also
recognised places at which pilgrims or travellers
could refresh themselves, give thanks for a safe journey
almost completed, or offer prayers for a journey just
beginning. |
Thus it has been tentatively argued
that in Bangor Isycoed of the immediate historic past
one can legitimately seek and find traces of the idealized
'monastic city' as postulated by Professor Butler.
True, present-day Bangor exhibits few, if any,
urban characteristics and to many it may seem rather
presumptuous to even attempt to marshal evidence that
would attribute to Bangor early quasi-urban development
on the scale discernible in the classic 'type' sites
of Llandeilo Fawr, Bangor Fawr and St'. David's. Actually,
as acknowledged from the outset, to 'marshal the evidence'
is the one thing that cannot be done adequately in
connection with Bangor Isycoed since so little trustworthy
material really exists. But beneath all the
legend and spurious data the local historian is conscious
of only one unassailable fact - that there was once
a considerable, prestigious, albeit short-lived, monastic
settlement at Bangor. This present essay simply
attempts to give firmer definition as to what actually
might have been. |
note: All images on this web
site are copyright, please see copyright link for
more information. |
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[11] For
background to early Welsh Church see W. Davies, Wales in the
Early Middle Ages 141-168, especially maps, figs. 49. 53. |
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[12] B.L.
Add. MS. 10,013, f.19v. The other 'toll-gate' in Marford bailiwick
was at Pant Olwen on the boundary between Gresford and Marford
townships. This, too, has similar important implications for
the interpretation of landscape, especially for the course
of the River Alyn and the extent of the 'Pass of Pulford where
now lies Rossett, Lavister and Darland. |
—————— |
[13] Geiriadur
Prifysgol Cymru 2305-6 under mael maelor ci. 1. Morgan, Handbook
of the Origin of Place Names in Wales &c. (1887) 118. |
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[14] A.N.
Palmer, op.cit., 15n.2. For dynastic pedigrees see D.P. Kirby,
"British Dynastic History in the Pre-Viking Period",
B.B.C.S. (1976) XXVII, 81-ll4esp. pp. 101-111. |
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