Although no records are available
it appears that a committee chaired by Rev. F. J. Okell, was elected
and opened a fund to erect a memorial. The cost is not known
but must have been substantial. The collection must have
taken quite some time as the first mention of the erection of
a memorial is in a newspaper in March 1925.
The War Memorial will be a circular column of
Woolton red sandstone on which will be enscribed the names of
the fallen. The column will be crowned with a figure representing
mourning and will be set in a semi-circular stone bend on which
a dedicatory inscription will be placed.
The design has been entrusted to Mr. H. Tyson
Smith of Liverpool.
Herbet Tyson Smith: Sculptor;
Honorary instructor in Craftsmanship at Liverpool University School
of Architecture.
Liverpool born and educated at Liverpool University. Exhibited
at W. A. G. Sandon Studios. Soc. Allied Artists.
Principal Works: Sculptured portions of Accrington, Southport,
Birkenhead and G.P.O. Liverpool War Memorials.
Bangor Parish Council Minutes 16th December
A circular was read with reference to the War
Memorials. The Rev. Paterson proposed that the Council should
only promise to support the funds which were devoted to the Prisoner's
of War Fund and the Royal Welch Fusiliers War Memorial Fund, and
their families only, which was seconded by Councilor Job L. Lea
and carried unanimously
Bangor Parish Council Minutes 15th April
A Parish Council meeting was held in the Schoolroom
Bangor on Friday 15th April, 1921 at 7.0. o'clock when the following
members were present: - C. J. Mort, S. E. Owen, J. C. Mort, J.
E. Foster, J. Spoor and the clerk.
The clerk next read over a circular together
with three letters containing a memorandum of suggestions for
local organisations with the preservation and classification of
local War Records.
A lengthy discussion took place on the subject.
All the members were of the opinion that it would be impossible
for them to give any War Records, that the only person who would
be able to give an account would be the Rev. R. J. Patterson Morgan
who had most of that work upon his hands during the War.
Now that he had left the Parish the only possible thing to be
done would be to apply to him, on the matter. It was proposed
by Councilor J. Mort and seconded by Councilor E. Owen that the
clerk should get into communication with the Rev. R. J. Patterson
Morgan, Rector, and to ascertain his views on the subject - carried.
From an Article/News Report. The Leader
(Wrexham) May 29th 1925.
Bangor-Isycoed War Memorial.
Over the years there have been many scenes witnessed
in the ancient parish, some tragic but stirring, others pathetic,
but it is questionable whether there had been more so than on
Sunday, Empire Day, when practically the whole population of this
scattered parish assembled at the village church to take part
in the service of dedication and unveiling of the War Memorial,
and to honour the memory of the Bangor lads who after a heroic
struggle and patient endurance paid the supreme sacrifice in defence
of their country.
There were so many people present that the church
could not hold them and they lined the way to the middle of Bangor
For the parish of Bangor the toll of death was
heavy, and this is shown by the number of mural tablets that have
recently been placed in the church.
One was placed by the Rev. R. J. B. and Mrs.
Paterson Morgan (former Rector) in grateful remembrance of the
23 Bangor men who fell in the War.
Another by Mr. Oliver Ormrod of Pickhill Hall
to the memory of three of his sons, a great loss, Lt. Col. Lionel
James Ormrod, 12 Royal Lancers; Captain Oliver Hugh Hugh Ormrod,
R.F.A. and R.F.C.; and Captain Lawrence Moreland Ormrod, M.C.,
A third tablet to the memory of Roger Mansell
William Fenwick, the younger son of Mrs. Fenwick, Plas Fron and
the late Captain Fenwick R.W.F.
A fourth tablet was erected to the memory of
Major Guy Winwood Gostage, the husband of Mrs. Costage, Gerwyn
and finally a fifth to the memory of Major Frank
Stuart lloyd, R.W.F., the fifth son of Mr Frank Lloyd of Eton
At the last moment, the Archbishop of Wales was
taken ill and was unable to take part in the dedication service
as previously mentioned. His place was taken by the Rev.
R. J. B. Paterson Morgan (Sandway Lodge), a former Rector of the
parish. The other Clergymen who took part were the Rev.
F. J. Okell, Rector, the Rev. Mordount Ebrington Bisset, a former
Rector and Chaplain to the Guards, and the Rev. D Manuel Presbyterian
After the Special Lesson from the Book of Wisdom
of Solomon (The Apocrypha) had been read, prayers were said and
the hymn "Let Saints on earth in concert sing" had been
sung, an excellent address was given by the Rev. Paterson Morgan,
who based his remarks on the introductory verses of the 12th Chapter
of St. Paul's Epistle to the Hebrews. In conclusion he said
they had met there that day to unveil and dedicate the War Memorial,
and their minds naturally went back to 1914-1918 when the whole
of civilisation passed through a veritable fellowship of death.
They remembered those who fell, and it was to their memory
that they had raised the memorial. The memorial they could
raise to their memory was to live lives worthy of sacrifices made
and to run the worthy race that was set before them, that the
day was 24th May, Empire Day, the day that reminded all of their
great past. It is a great thing to be worthy of that past.
The men that they were remembering that day went out to build
up their country's greatness.
The young men saw that their country's honour
and freedom were at stake and her word had been plighted. Then
they forsook all and laid aside everything to fight for right
against right.
Each one of them from his place in Paradise was
speaking to them that day, sending their message to the hearts
of those assembled in the church.
"I fear no foe with Thee at hand
to bless, |
Ills have no weight and tears no bitterness; |
Where is death's sting, where grave
thy victory; |
I triumph still if thou abide with me". |
After the Address and hymn, "How bright
these glorious spirits shine" had been sung, a procession
was formed and proceeded to the War Memorial in the following
order: -
The Band of the 4th Batt., R.W.F. under Bandmaster
Delancy; ex-servicemen under Major Fenwick Palmer; the Choir;
Clergy; Churchwardens; Major Hugh Peel; the relatives of the fallen;
Girl Guides; School children; Oddfellows; and the rest of the
On arrival at the site of the War Memorial after
a prayer had been offered, the Roll of Honour was read by the
Rector, the Rev. F. J. Okell. Major Hugh Peel having unveiled
the memorial and saluted it, said he was pleased to see so many
friends there that day, and felt it a great privilege to have
been asked to unveil the memorial to those whose names they had
just heard read. Most of them he had known very well, a
number had been his friends and some of them he had the honour
of serving with. The memorial had been erected to their
memory - could he use words from the ancient treatise, "So
long as the sun shines and the river runs". A more
suitable day they could not have had for the ceremony, for had
not Mr. Paterson Morgan in his address reminded all those gathered
there that it was Empire Day, also it was a day of great importance
to their non-conformist friends as it was the anniversary of the
birth of John Wesley.
History showed them that after all great wars
there had been periods of depression of trade and social unrest.
Unfortunately it was so after the great war they had been passing
through the most difficult times when the outlook had been black,
but working together for the common good so that once again they
might look forward to future peace and prosperity, profiting from
the example shown by these men. They would always remember
these men, and the memorial would be a constant reminder to future
generations of those who "were all honoured in their generations
and were the glory of their times".
After the dedication the hymns "For all
the Saints who from their labours rest" and "O God our
help in ages past" were sung, a prayer was offered by the
Rev D. Manuel and then followed the blessing.
The impressive ceremony was brought to a close
with the singing of the National Anthem and the sounding of the
Last Post and reveille by buglers of the band of the 4th Batt.
R.W.F. from Wrexham Barracks.
Mr. J. J. Smith was at the organ, the band accompanied
the hymns and the bells gave muffled peals.
The Roll of Honour reads as follows: -
* |
Pte. Edward Boffey - Yorkshire
Light Infantry. |
Pte. James Carr - R.W.F. |
Brig. Gen. Robert Henry Dunn
- R.W.F. |
** |
Pte. Frederick Hugh Fearnall
- 6th Queen's Royal West Surrey. |
Pte. Roger Mansell William Fenwick
- 1st Life Guards. |
*** |
Pte. Thomas Ernest Goswell -
Royal Warwick |
Driver Henry George Gravenor
- R.A.S.C., M.T. |
Pte. Joseph Haycocks - R.W.F. |
Pte. George Humphreys - Cheshire
Regiment. |
Pte. Harry Humphreys - Cheshire
Regiment. |
L.Cpl. John Arthur lloyd Jones
- 1st Cheshires. |
. |
Major Frank Stuart Lloyd - R.W.F. |
Pte. Thomas Matthes - R.W.F. |
Captain Lawrence Moreland Ormrod - R.W.F. |
Captain Oliver Hugh Ormrod - R.F.A. and
R.F.C. |
Cpl. John Rees - R.W.F. |
Pte. Harry Roberts - Worcester Regiment. |
Pte. Harry Leo Rogers - Kings Liverpool
Regiment. |
Pte. Ernest Shone - Royal Berks. |
Pte. William Edward Stant - R.W.F. |
Pte. Thomas Edward Studley - Shropshire
Light Infantry. |
Pte. Thomas Edwin Williams - R.W.F. |
Pte. Edgar Wilson - R.W.F. |
Key: |
* |
Surname given as Williams |
** |
Not on War Memorial |
*** |
Surname given as Lloyd |
The Committee responsible for the Memorial Fund
who carried out everything so well were:- Rev. F. J. Okell, Chairman;
Major Fenwick Palmer, Hon. Treasurer; Mr. G. J. Moss, Hon. Secretary;
Messrs. Geo. Humphreys, Clifford Twiss, W. Jones, Walter Young,
F. E. Barlow, J. Matthews, Herbert Welbourn, Tom Blake, Arthur
Done, R. Fernall, Vic. Lloyd, Allan Thomas, John Harrison, Arthur
Fearnall, W. Morris, Captain Harrison, W. Dickin and Fred Cheetham. |